James Carpeneto provides Corporate & Commercial Legal Services in Sarnia, Ontario

James Carpeneto provides legal services to small business and corporate clients in the Sarnia area. He assists businesses that are progressing through all stages, including start-ups, mature business, and exit planning.

Managing a business is not for the faint-hearted. James Carpeneto is here to make the legal aspects of running a business easy and uncomplicated, so you can focus on what’s most important to you: Your customers.

Our Corporate & Commercial Legal Services Include:

  • Purchase or Sale of Shares/Assets
  • Incorporating a Business
  • Minute Books
  • Partnership Agreements
  • Shareholders’ Agreements
  • Corporate Reorganization

Schedule a Free Consultation

James Carpeneto, B. A. LL.B. has been providing friendly and professional legal services for over 40 years. He will provide you with the legal guidance you need with clarity and with precision. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

James Carpeneto, B. A. LL.B.

(519) 336-6955

316 Christina St N, Sarnia, ON
N7T 5V5

Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 8am-4pm, Fri: 8am-12pm

Other times offered by appointment.
Available for at home visits.Â